Released on February 27, 1942: Richard Sutton tries to juggle three girlfriends at once, but when a fourth woman wants to marry Richard her gangster brother uses his gun to help get his sister into the arms of a frightened Richard.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 20min

Director: Bernard B. Ray

Actors: Neil Hamilton (Richard Sutton), June Lang (Gwenny Miller), Joyce Compton (Barbara Cartwright), Barbara Read (Linda Pearson), Fred Sherman (Charlie Blakewell), Marlo Dwyer (Lorraine O'Reilly), Kate MacKenna (Grandmother Sutton), Maurice Cass (Doctor Hamilton), Matt McHugh (Spike O'Reilly), Harry Holman (John Cartwright), George Davis (Bottles, Wannamaker butler), Pat Gleason (Gibbons), Tom Herbert (W.R. Mitchell), Bertram Marburgh (Uncle Woodrow), Dora Clement (Mrs. Fairbanks), Frank Hagney (laborer), Marjorie Haynes (Cosette, the Cartwright maid), Charles Hutchison (waiter), Harry Johnson Jr. (juggler), Harry C. Johnson (juggler), Adele Kerr (second stenographer), Patsy Moran (Jane, Granny Sutton's maid), Adele Smith (first stenographer), Leonard St. Leo (bartender)

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