Released on September 3, 1948: Joe is a man that tries to live his life by making everyone around him in Nick's Saloon better.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h 49min
Director: H. C. Potter
Actors: James Cagney (Joseph T.), William Bendix (Nick, saloon owner), Wayne Morris (Tom), Jeanne Cagney (Kitty Duval), Broderick Crawford (Krupp), Ward Bond (McCarthy), James Barton (Kit Carson), Paul Draper (Harry), Gale Page (Mary L.), Jimmy Lydon (Dudley Raoul Bostwick), Richard Erdman (Willie), Pedro de Cordoba (Arab Philosopher), Reginald Beane (Wesley), John 'Skins' Miller (a tippler), Tom Powers (Freddy Blick), Natalie Schafer (society lady), Howard Freeman (society gentleman), Renie Riano (Lorene Smith), Nanette Parks (Elsie Mandelspiegel), Grazia Narciso (Nick's mother), Claire Carleton ('Killer'), Gladys Blake (side-kick), Lanny Rees (newsboy), Marlene Aames (Nick's daughter), Eddie Borden (Salvation Army man), Ann Cameron ('B' girl), Rena Case (Salvation Army woman), Donald Kerr (bookie), Moy Ming (Sam, Nick's cook), Floyd Walters (sailor)
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