The Perfect Woman
Released on May 23, 1949: A broke gentleman and his butler are paid to escort a robot woman around town to see if she works well or if there may be flaws in her design.
Directed by: Bernard Knowles
Written by: Basil Mitchelll, Wallace Geoffrey, Bernard Knowles, Basil Boothroyd and George Black Jr.
The Actors: Patricia Roc Penelope Belman, Stanley Holloway 'Baabaa' Ramshead, Nigel Patrick Roger Cavendish, Pamela Devis Olga the robot, Miles Malleson Professor Ernest Belman, Irene Handl Mrs. 'Buttercup' Butters, housekeeper, Anita Sharp-Bolster Lady Diana, Fred Berger hotel manager Farini, David Hurst Wolfgang Wilhelm Winkel II, Jerry Verno Football Fan On Underground, Johnnie Schofield ticket collector, Philippa Gill Lady Mary Bromosh, Jerry Desmonde dress shop manager, Dora Bryan model in shop, Noel Howlett scientist, Constance Smith receptionist, Patti Morgan telephonist, Geoffrey Sumner Well Dressed Man On Underground
Runtime: 1h 29min
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