Released on April 18, 1946: In this wonderful old movie, Wally and Jean get married after only knowing each other for a few days, and Jean gets more than she bargained for when she discovers that Wally is 'married' to his job at the newspaper.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 11min

Director: Phil Rosen

Actors: Jean Parker (Alice Williams), Wallace Ford (Wally Williams), Jed Prouty (Gordon MacEwan), Suzanne Kaaren (Angela Brooks), Harland Tucker (Harry Brooks), Evalyn Knapp (Evelyn), Robert Frazer (Louis Detmar), Dorothy Lee (Frances Harris), John Holland (Robert Mallon), Maxine Leslie (Mrs. Mabel Leslie), Paul Fix ('Sparrow' McGraun), Betty Compson (Mrs. Thelma Tate), Matty Fain (Nick Paul), Eddie Foster (Fingers), Charles King (Police Lieutenant Homer Thomas), Frank O'Connor (Police Lieutenant Jim Hall), Dennis Moore (henchman tough guy), Robert Pittard (Tommy the newsboy), Lynton Brent (reporter with the mustache), Jack Cheatham (reporter), Lester Dorr (switchboard operator), Byron Foulger (Eddie Tate), Pat Gleason (reporter), I. Stanford Jolley (pedestrian finding the note), Donald Kerr ('Red' Kean, photographer), Charles McMurphy (the first policeman), Jack Perrin (reporter), Frank Cady Mildred Shay (Helen)

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