Released in December, 1950: A small town family battles with an alcoholic mother with the help of the town bartender.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 50min
Director: Earl C. Kenton
Actors: Ruth Warrick (Helen Mason and Helen Leroy Lintz), Richard Travis (Bob Mason), Ginger Prince (Ginger Mason), Rhys Williams (Michael H. 'Sully' Sullivan), William Tracy (Billy Leighton), Onslow Stevens (Doctor Foster), Mary Young (Mrs. Sullivan), Thurston Hall (Publisher Kenneth Simes), Larry J. Blake (Walt Williams), Victor Kilian (Frank J. Emery), Buzzy Bookman (Johnny Emery), Cecil Elliott (Minnie the barmaid), Luther Crockett (the minister), Gilbert Fallman (the priest), Lester Sharpe (Rabbi Kaplin), Lelah Tyler (Mrs. Adams), Louis Da Pron (Louis da Proma), The Harmonaires (musical group), Ern Westmore (Em Westmore), Carlos Molina (Carlos Molina, orchestra leader), George Eldredge (city editor Harry), Roy Butler (beer fancier), Harry Hines (whiskey fancier), Robert Malcolm (Police Sergeant Malcomson), Jack Reitzen (sherry fancier), Danny Rense (policeman), Bill Baldwin (director of Newhope), William Kahn (barfly drunk), Helen Spring (Mrs. Johnson), Sara Perry (liquor store woman), Eddie Parker (motorcycle officer), Tony Layng (ambulance driver), Claire James (nurse), Jane Hampton (nurse), Herman Scharff (news hawker), Lyle Talbot (Mr. Boyer), Harry Stanton (Harry B. Harrison), Richard Alexander (truck driver drinking coke), James Conaty (nightclub benefit atendee), George Magrill (truck driver drinking coca cola), Suzanne Ridgway (nightclub benefit atendee)
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