Released on June 23, 1943: A tomboy teenage girl discovers springtime puppy love for herself, and a new love for her widowed father after creating havoc all around town.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 27min

Director: Ralph Murphy

Actors: Lois Butler (Mickey Kelly), Bill Goodwin (Doctor George R. Kelly), Irene Hervey (Louise Williams), John Sutton (Ted Whitney), Rose Hobart (Lydia Matthews), Hattie McDaniel (Bertha, housekeeper), Skip Homeier (Hank Evans), Beverly Wills (Cathy Williams), Leon Tyler (Robbie Matthews), Edna Bennett (unknown), Bobette Bentley (Barbara), George M. Carleton (Doctor Pierson), Victor Cutler (intern), Shirley Doble (Janet), Edward Earle (Doctor Merckle), Almeda Fowler (unknown), Jon Gilbreath (soda jerk), Ronald Harris (Tubby), Bonnie Henjum (Betty Lou), George Irving (Mr. Brent), Victor Jones (unknown), Eddie LeRoy (unknown), James Magill (police officer), Vera Marshe (Mrs. Newey), Renny McEvoy (Mr. Newey), Mira McKinney (office nurse), Franklin Parker (Cathy's father), Nydia Westman (Miss Mabel Adams, music teacher)

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