Released on December 25, 1940: A frumpy book-worm girl becomes a beautiful young lady with the help of the housekeeper, despite the efforts of her step-sister to keep her from growing up.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 12min
Director: Edward Dmytryk
Actors: Edith Fellows (Linda Strong), Julie Bishop (Eileen Strong, Linda's step-sister), Alan Ladd (John Gilman), Wilbur Evans (Philip Niles), Judith Linden (Marian Strong, Linda's cousin), Roger Daniel (Donald Whiting), Marian Kerby (Katy the housekeeper), Marlo Dwyer (Susie Sloan, Linda's girl friend), Ottola Nesmith (Mrs. Whiting), Ray Hirsch (Student Butch), Alexandria Moreland (co-ed Gladys James), Edwin Brian (student Cyanide), Julie Sheldon (co-ed Nancy), John Adamson (Friday, Niles' driver), Ann Doran (student), David Durand (student), Eddie Hall (student Mushface)
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