Released on May 18, 1942: A steel mill worker becomes the big boss and rules his men with a ruthless heart of steel.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 26min

Director: Norman Walker

Actors: Wilfrid Lawson (Walter Haddon), Betty Stockfeld (Freda Haddon), John Stuart (Alan Saunders), George Carney (Bert Mortimer), Joan Kemp-Welch (Janet Mortimer), James Harcourt (Jim Calver), Frank Atkinson (Dick Sefton), Arthur Hambling (Mr. Lamport), John Turnbull (Mr. Rowlandson), Hay Petrie (Mr. Kissack), Mignon O'Doherty (Mrs. Kissack), Philip Godfrey (Forester), Cameron Hall (Flavell), Charles Rolfe (Richards), Kenneth Griffith (Fred Dixon), Harry Riley (Phillips), H. Victor Weske (Bateman), Charles Groves (old Sam), Clifton Boyne (Carter), D.J. Williams (Jimpson), Leonard Sharp (Baker), Roberta Read (Bertha), Roddy Hughes (coroner), Arthur Seaton (Newcombe), Dane Gordon (Willis), David Trickett (Tommy Mortimer), Angela Glynne (Bunty Phillips)

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