Released on December 1, 1931: A rising star newspaper reporter sleeps with his girlfriend before returning to his fianc, so his girlfriend turns to a gangster for solace.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 7min
Director: Richard Thorpe
Actors: Marion Shilling (Patricia Young), Beryl Mercer (Fern Madden), Rex Bell (Jimmy Burke), Virginia Lee Corbin (Sissy Salem), Carmelita Geraghty (Helen Turner), Edna Murphy (Trixie de Forrester), Edward Earle (Sleek Moran), Jack Carlyle (Dugan), Eddie Kane (Producer Swineback), Gordon De Main (Walrus, city editor), William Beaudine (the director), Thomas A. Curran (Mr. Turner), Billy Franey (Mr. Flannigan the ice man), William H. O'Brien (Sleek's butler), Dorothy Vernon (Miss Mallory the landlady), Charles Williams (stagehand)
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