Released on September 28, 1948: A kitchen maid falls in love with a footman, but the footman runs away with another woman, leaving pregnant Esther to raise her baby as a single mother in a world that looks harshly on her.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 50min
Director: Ian Dalrymple
Actors: Kathleen Ryan (Esther Waters), Dirk Bogarde (William Latch, footman), Cyril Cusack (Fred), Ivor Barnard (John Randall, butler), Fay Compton (Mrs. Barfield), Margaret Diamond (Sarah Tucker), George Hayes (journeyman), Morland Graham (Ketley), Mary Clare (Mrs. Latch), Pauline Jameson (hospital nurse), Shelagh Fraser (Margaret), Margaret Withers (Grover), Julian D'Albie (Squire Barfield), Nuna Davey (Matron), Beryl Measor (Mrs. Spires), Barbara Shaw (mistress), Archie Harradine (singer), Duncan Lewis (butcher), A. Parker (jockey Fred Archer), F. Lane (jockey Webb), Billy Rees (the demon), John Edward Davy (the fire eater's young assistant), Hilda Fenemore (unknown), Gareth Van Den Bogaerde (Esther's teenage son)
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