Released on July 15, 1938: A teenage orphan girl chooses between a wild life with racketeers or marriage to the man who loves her.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Nick Grinde

Actors: Doris Weston (Carol Wharton Caldwell), Maurice Murphy (Bruce Jefferson), Helen MacKellar (Judge Edith Ellis), Morgan Wallace (Charles Wharton as an adult), Theodore von Eltz (Carson), Terry Walker (cousin Betty), Richard Tucker (Harry Jefferson), Charlotte Treadway (Mrs. Jefferson), Sibyl Harris (Katherine Caldwell), Walter Young (Joseph Caldwell), Carlyle Moore Jr. (Charles Wharton as a youth), Marjorie Reynolds (Edith Ellis as a youth), Harry Hayden (Mayor Wharton), Betty Blythe (Mrs. Wharton), Byron Foulger (Herbert Ellis), Virginia Brissac (Mrs. Herbert Ellis), Janet Young (Mrs. Mihom), Marge Champion (dancer), Gino Corrado (headwaiter), Sam Flint (hospital doctor), Robert Frazer (Wharton's lawyer), Joseph W. Girard (party guest), Lew Kelly (Joe, bootlegger), Kay Marvis (dancer), Edward Peil Sr. (Jack Burke, probation officer).

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