Released on July 30, 1944: Three Texas Rangers go to a small town that is run by outlaws and rustlers who leave a pitch-fork 'brand of the devil' as their calling card when they rob and rustle.

Genre: Western

Duration: 57min

Director: Harry L. Fraser

Actors: Dave O'Brien (Tex Wyatt), James Newill (Jim Steel), Guy Wilkerson (Panhandle Perkins), Ellen Hall (Molly Dawson), I. Stanford Jolley (Jack Varno), Charles King (henchman Bucko Lynn), Reed Howes (henchman Duke), Budd Buster (Henry Wilburn), Karl Hackett (Jeff Palin), Kermit Maynard (henchman Gripper Joe), Ed Cassidy (the Sheriff), Hank Bell (bartender Hank), John L. Cason (deputy and henchman Ed), Jess Cavin (barfly), Jack Evans (barfly), Art Fowler (henchman), Rose Plumer (Mrs. Plumer, housekeeper), Jack Tornek (barfly), Wally West (deputy)

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