Released on March 1, 1950: Madeleine Haley is an undercover Customs Agent that infiltrates a drug-smuggling ring in Mexico before being kidnapped by a rival drug lord.

Genre: Animation

Duration: 1h 38min

Director: William A. Seiter

Actors: Claire Trevor (Madeleine Haley, aka Gladys LaRue), Fred MacMurray (Johnny McEvoy), Raymond Burr (Pete Ritchie), Jose Torvay (Miguel), Morris Ankrum (Bill Whittaker), Roy Roberts (Harvey Gumbin), Don Diamond (Deusik), Nacho Galindo (Porfirio), Pepe Hern (Pablo), Grazia Narciso (Porfirio's Wife), Edward Biby (club patron), Ralph Brooks (Charlie, police detective), George Calliga (hotel guest), Alden 'Stephen' Chase (police detective), Peggy Converse (suspect questioned by Whittaker), Gene Coogan (man at customs), Joe Dominguez (Mexican telegraph clerk), Paul Fierro (Alonzo, Mexican policeman), Joe Gilbert (hotel guest), John Indrisano (Gumbin's henchman), Richard Irving (Al, Johnny's henchman), Charles Lane (Peterson, U.S. Customs man), Gregg Martell (Ernie, Gumbin's henchman), Chris-Pin Martin (Pepi, hotel clerk), Harold Miller (hotel guest in lobby), Neyle Morrow (hotel elevator operator), Howard Negley (cop), Manuel Paris (Gumbin's bartender), Jose Portugal (waiter), Frank Yaconelli (drunk), Clifton Young (the suspect questioned by Whittaker)

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