Released on March 30, 1951: This crime comedy has a star-filled cast, but a cute little dog steals the show. The cute little dog puts a hapless couple in the gun-sights of gangsters.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h 21min
Director: George Beck
Actors: Farley Granger (Bill Denny), Shelly Winters (Kate Denny), William Demarest (Officer O'Ryan), Lon Chaney Jr. (Pinky), Hans Conried (Gillie the Blade, Fat Freddie's henchman), Sheldon Leonard (Shortwave Bert), Francis L. Sullivan (Fat Freddy), Margalo Gillmore (Mother), Elisha Cook Jr. (Albert Jonas), Glenn Anders (Pete the Pusher), Allen Jenkins (Plainclothesman), Marvin Kaplan (Max the Umbrella), Henry Corden (Numi), Don Beddoe (Sergeant O'Neill), Kathleen Dennis, King Donovan (lingerie shop manager), Tom Dugan (policeman), Kathleen Freeman (pet shop proprietor's wife), Jerry Hausner (taxi driver), Richard Irving (the man in tan and white shoes), Jack Jahries (the X-ray man), Vera Marshe (salesgirl), Ralph Montgomery (Bill's taxi driver), William J. O'Brien (janitor), Shimen Ruskin (hotel clerk), Dudley Sadler (Jay, the pet shop proprietor), Ralph Sanford (plain clothes policeman), Harry Shannon (police officer O'Hara), Frank Sully (Bill's taxi driver), Herb Vigran (police desk sergeant), Claude Wisberg (O'Rappaport), Allen Wood (Pete's taxi driver)
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