Released on March 3, 1965: Eye Creatures from outer space frame a young boy and his girlfriend for murder.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h 20min
Director: Larry Buchanan
Actors: John Ashley (Stan Kenyon), Cynthia Hull (Susan Rogers), Warren Hammack (Lieutenant Robertson), Chet Davis (Mike Lawrence), Bill Peck (Carl Fenton), Ethan Allen (unknown), Charles McLine (old man Bailey), Nathan Wyle (Colonel Harrison), Bob Cowan (Corporal Culver), Tony Huston (Culver's Sergeant), Jonathan Ledford (unknown), Shirley McLine (diner waitress), Bob Brown (unknown), Donna Lindberg (Harold's girlfriend), Larry Tanner (unknown), Gordon Bulow (unknown), Jody Daniels (man in diner), Travis Wayne (unknown), George Edgley (elderly detective), Bill Thurman (Seargeant on guard duty), Hillman Taylor (unknown), Edwin Cherry (unknown), Peter Graves (narrator of the U.S. Air Force briefing film), Robert Bob Kelly (U.S. Air Force General)
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