Midnight Episode
Released on December 31, 1950: A street performer called the Professor becomes involved with a mysterious murder, and the killer is now after the Professor.
Directed by: Alfred Zeisler
Written by: Georges Simenon with screenplay by Rita Barisse, Paul Vincent Carroll, David Evans, William Templeton and Reeve Tyler
The Actors: Stanley Holloway Professor Calvin Lancier Prince , Leslie Dwyer Albert, Reginald Tate Chief Inspector Lucas, Meredith Edwards Detective Sergeant Taylor, Wilfrid Hyde-White Mister Knight the landlord, Joy Shelton Sheila Arnold, Raymond Young David Miller, Silver Slipper club manager, Leslie Perrins Charles Mason, Sebastian Cabot Benno, cafe owner, Campbell Copelin the General, Natasha Parry Jill Harris, Helena Carroll nurse, Darcy Conyers house surgeon at hospital, Edna Morris woman in cafe, Stringer Davis Police Sergeant, William Simons Michael Arnold, Joseph Chelton thug
Runtime: 1h 18m
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