The Black Lancers

Released on August 31, 1962: Two brothers compete with each other for the same Princess and also to become the next military leader and eventually King of the land.

Directed by: Giacomo Gentilomo

Written by: Ottavio Alessi, Ernesto Gastaldi, Ugo Guerra and Luciano Martino

The Actors: Mel Ferrer Prince Andrea of Tula, Yvonne Furneaux Jassa, Leticia Roman Mascia, Princess of Kiev, Lorella De Luca Samal, Jassa's handmaiden, Jean Claudio Prince Serg of Tula, Annabale Ninchi Prince Nikiev, Franco Silva Gamul, Nando Tamberlani King Stephen III, King of Kiev, Giulio Battiferri Mascia's jailer, Claudio Biava Bishop Sergio Di, Remo De Carmine Polish Prince, Arturo Dominici Sutra, head of Krevires, father of Samal, Mirko Ellis member of the council, Andrej Gardenin fencer, Piero Lulli unknown, Piero Palermini unknown, Umberto Raho member of the council

Runtime:1h 37min

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