Border Vigilantes
Released on April 18, 1941: Hopalong Cassidy discovers that the head of the town vigilante committee is also the head of the outlaws.
Directed by: Derwin Abrahams
Written by: J. Benton Cheney from characters created by Clarence E. Mulford
The Actors: William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy, Russell Hayden Lucky Jenkins, Andy Clyde California Carlson, Frances Gifford Helen Forbes, Victor Jory Henry Logan, Ethel Wales Aunt Jennifer, Morris Ankrum Dan Forbes, Tom Tyler Yager, Hal Taliaferro Ed Stone, Jack Rockwell Hank Weaver, Britt Wood Lafe Willis, John Beach henchman, Hank Bell liveryman, Fox O'Callahan" itemprop="name">Foxy Callahan bank guard, Jess Cavin barfly, Tex Cooper saloon gambler, Curley Dresden bank guard, Edward Earle banker Stephens, Joe Garcio henchman, Al Haskell saloon gambler, Philip Kieffer announces the robbery, Johnny Luther henchman
Runtime: 1h 3m
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