The Upturned Glass
Released on June 17, 1947: Can a famous surgeon also be a demented killer?
Directed by: Lawrence Huntington
Written by: Pamela Mason, and John Monaghan.
The Actors: James Mason Michael Joyce, Rosamund John Emma Wright, Pamela Mason Kate Howard, Ann Stephens Ann Wright, Morland Graham Clay, Brefni O'Rorke Doctor Farrell, Henry Oscar the coroner, Jane Hylton Miss Marsh, Sheila Huntington first girl student, Susan Shaw second girl student, Peter Cotes male student, Nuna Davey Mrs. Deva, Judith Carol Joan Scott-Trotter, John Monaghan U.S. driver, Maurice Denham mobile policeman, Janet Burnell Sylvia, Margaret Withers party guest, Beatrice Varley injured girl's mother, Helene Burls farm laborer's wife, Howard Douglas lorry driver, Richard Afton lorry driver's mate, Lyn Evans county Policeman, Cyril Chamberlain junior doctor, George Merritt policeman, Glyn Rowland policeman, John Stone male student.
Runtime: 1h 30m
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