The Edge of the World

Released on January 10, 1937: A man and woman on a remote Scottish Isle fall in love, but the fates put many disasters along their route to happiness.

Directed by: Michael Powell

Written by: Michael Powell

The Actors: John Laurie Peter Manson, Belle Chrystall Ruth Manson, Peter's daughter, Eric Berry Ruth's brother, Kitty Kirwan Jean Manson, their grandmother, Finlay Currie James Gray, Niall MacGinnis Adrew Gray, Peter's son, Grant Sutherland the Catechist, Campbell Robson the Laird, George Summers the skipper, James Garrioch doctor attending Rugh's baby, Andy Gear villager in evacuation, Mima Gear villager in evacuation, Wullie Gear fiddler at Hirta Reel, Aggie Jean Gray member of congregation, Agnes 'Nannie' Gray member of congregation, Edith Gray member of congregation, James Andrew Gray member of congregation, Jean 'Jeannie' Gray member of congregation, John Gray member of the boat parliament, Louie Gray bystander at Hirta Reel, Peter Gray member of the boat parliament, Thomas 'Tammie' Gray member of congregation, Margaret Greig Ruth's baby, Bessie Henry dancer at Hirta Reel, James 'Jimmy' Henry member of congregation, Jessie Henry member of congregation, Maggie Henry villager in evacuation, Agnes Jane Isbister watcher on the cliff top, Alfred Isbister member of congregation, Dodie Isbister member of congregation, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Isbister member of congregation, Jessie Isbister watcher on top of cliff, Robbie Isbister member of congregation, Andrew Manson fiddler at Hirta Reel, Peter Manson member of the boat parliament, Jessie Morrison member of congregation, David of Muckelgrind member of the boat parliament, Peter Peterson member of congregation, Michael Powell yachtsman Mr. Graham, Lilly Ratter member of congregation, Margaret 'Maggie' Ratter member of congregation, Peter Ratter fiddler at Hirta Reel, Walter Ratter boatman, Frankie Reidy yachtswoman, Jemima Robertson watcher on cliff top, Arthur Seabourne dancer at Hirta Reel, Elizabeth J. Smith member of congregation, Jessamine Smith school teacher's daughter, Sydney Streeter man at dance, Jeannie Thomson member of congregation, Andrew Umphray member of the boat parliament, Gerald Umphray boy at evacuation, Robbie Umphray member of the boat parliament, Scottie Umphray member of the boat parliament, Tom Umphray member of the boat parliament

Runtime: 1h 14m

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