The Echo Murders
Released on December 17, 1945: While solving several puzzling murders, Sexto Blake stumbles on a Nazi plot to invade England.
Directed by: John Harlow
Written by: John Harlow
The Actors: David Farrar Sexton Blake, Dennis Price Dick Warren, Pamela Stirling Stella Duncan, Julien Mitchell James Duncan, Cyril Smith P.C. Smith, Dennis Arundell Rainsford, Ferdy Mayne Dacier, Johnnie Schofield Purvis, Paul Croft Marat, Kynaston Reeves Beales, Desmond Roberts Cotter, Danny Green Carl, Patric Curwen Dr. Grey, Tony Arpino Fox, Vincent Holman Colonel Wills, Howard Douglas Preston, Billy Howard Sergeant Crossby, Anders Timberg Wrexham, H. Victor Weske Otto, Gerald Pring Sir Horace Cranston, Noel Dainton Van Schuster, Charles Hersee Landlord, Olive Walter Housekeeper.
Runtime: 1h 15m
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