Port of Lost Dreams
Released on October 15, 1934: A gangster's moll tries to start a new life with a fisherman, but her gangster boyfriend breaks out of prison and is determined to get Molly back into crime with him.
Directed by: Frank R. Strayer
Written by: Robert Ellis and Charles Belden.
The Actors: William Boyd Lars Christensen, Lola Lane Molly Deshon and Molly Clark Christensen, George F. Marion Captain Morgan Rock, Edward Gargan Porky, crewman, Harold Huber Louis Constolos, Robert Elliott Lieutenant Anderson, Evelyn Carter Carrington Mother McGee, bar owner, Charles C. Wilson the warden, Robert Frazer radio announcer, Lafe McKee Justice of the Peace, Lew Kelly first hospital detective, Eddie Phillips Constolos' lawyer, John Beck L.R. Jensen, Harold Berquist sailor, Danny Borzage Concertina player, Gordon De Main the first dock detective, Pat Harmon Jensen's night watchman, Edward Peil Sr. second hospital detective, Hal Price second dock detective.
Runtime: 1h 11m
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