In Love With Life

Released on May 12, 1934: Professor John Sylvestus Applegate needs a job, and he becomes the private tutor to a young boy who is being taken in by his sour old grandfather. Gramps is sending his daughter away, never to see her son again, as the price for bringing up junior in a wealthy environment.

Directed by: Frank R. Strayer

Written by: Robert Ellis

The Actors: Lila Lee Sharon, Dickie Moore Laurence 'Laury' Applegate, Onslow Stevens Professor John Applegate, Claude Gillingwater Morley, Rosita Marstini Brouquet, James T. Mack Stevens, Clarence Geldart Barlow, Tom Ricketts bood store proprietor, William Arnold Townsend, The Meglin Kiddies floor show performers at the Kiddie Kabaret, Tommy Bupp one of the Meglin Kiddies, Milla Davenport Mrs. Gootz, Lloyd Ingraham Forbes, Betty Kendig Marie.

Runtime: 1h 6m

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