A Song for Miss Julie

Released on February 19, 1945: A romantic musical comedy about a Southern family and a Yankee Broadway show author.

Directed by: William Rowland

Written by: Michael Foster with a screenplay by Leighton Brill and Rowland Leigh

The Actors: Shirley Ross Valerie Kimbro, Barton Hepburn George Kimbro, playwright, Jane Farrar Julie Charteris, Roger Clark Stephen Mont, George's assistant, Cheryl Walker Marcelle Conway, Elisabeth Risdon Mrs. Ambrose Charteris, Lillian Randolph Eliza Henry, housekeeper, Peter Garey Pete the bellhop, Renie Riano Eurydice Lannier, newspaper social editor, Harry Crocker John Firbank, Vivien Fay herself, Alicia Markova herself, ballet dancer, Anton Dolin himself, ballet dancer, George M. Carleton lawyer, Earle S. Dewey dinner companion, Bess Flowers woman in audience, June Hillman Mrs. Firbank, Broderick O'Farrell man in audience, Larry Steers man in audience, Ellinor Vanderveer guest

Runtime: 1h 9min

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