Ghost Story
Released on May 10, 1941: Originally named 'Spellbound,' this tale of a man being inhabited by an evil spirit was re-issued as The Spell of Amy Nugent, Ghost Story and Passing Clouds.
Directed by: John Harlow
Written by: Robert Benson, Hugh Benson and Miles Malleson.
The Actors: Derek Farr Laurie Baxter, Vera Lindsay Diana Hilton, Hay Petrie Mr. Cathcart, Felix Aylmer Mr. Morton, Frederick Leister Mr. Vincent, Marian Spencer Mrs. Stapleton, Diana King Amy Nugent, W.G. Fay Johnnie, Winifred Davis Mrs. Baxter, Enid Hewitt Lady Laura Bethel, Gibb McLaughlin Gibb, Joyce Redman townswoman, Cameron Hall Mr. Nugent, Irene Handl Mrs. Nugent, Stafford Hilliard townsman, Hannen Swaffer Swaffer.
Runtime:1h 21m
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