Released on February 1, 1941: The Crazy Gang is a British Comedy Troupe that accidentally invades Germany, with hilarious results.
Directed by: Walter Forde
Written by: Val Valentine, Val Guest and Marriott Edgar.
The Actors: Bud Flanagan Bud, Chesney Allen Ches, Jimmy Nervo Cecil, Teddy Knox Knoxy, Charlie Naughton Charlie, Jimmy Gold Goldy, Moore Marriott Jerry Jenkins, Wally Patch Sergeant Major, Peter Gawthorne Commanding Officer, Frederick Valk Sturmfuehrer, Eric Clavering Scharffuehrer, Anthony Eustrel Gestapo officer, Carl Jaffe Gestapo chief, Manning Whiley O.P. Colonel, Torin Thatcher SS man, Irene Handl burgomaster's wife, Felicity Andrae the Baroness, Rolf Brandt orderly, Richard Morrell O.P. First Lieutenant, Gerald Cooper General Rathaus, Rowland Douglas head waiter, Frank Henderson steward, James Knight German Major, Henry B. Longhurst woodcutter, John Lothar Sergeant in forest, George Merritt German General, Pat Noonan woodcutter, Gerik Schjelderup O.P. Sentry, Leonard Sharp chip shop customer, Mavis Villiers American girl, Theodore Zichy second in command.
Runtime: 1h 17m
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