TOP REAL BUSINESS LIMITED, always can provide top quality products and service to our customers. We have close ties with kinds of outboard board parts factories in China, and we also trade kinds of engine parts for Tohatsu,Mercury,Yamaha,Suzuki etc.Our office is located in the center of China, which is well placed to draw from the resources of many manufacturers in several provinces.
Product Description
OVERSEE® SERIES HIGH EFFICIENCY AND FLEXIBILTY ENGINE CONTROL CABLES CONTROL SHIFT THROTTLE BLUE CABLES Length: 18FT , 5.5 Meter For outboard – inboard and sterndrive engines High efficiency for smooth operation High flexibility for reduced bend radius. Ideal for long complex cable routings Maintenance free Stainless steel cables end fittings High resistance blue outer jacket against abrasion, UV and chemicals OVERSEE® is a registered brand, we retain the ownership and use of the brand. Any unauthorized use will bear all legal consequences; the company reserves the right to litigation.
Packaging Details