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Great planet, Earth is. So great that other survivors of Planet Krypton wouldn’t mind making it home and taking control. But fellow Kryptonian Clark Kent has a warning for Zod and his followers who cross the line, especially if they seek to enlist Lois Lane in their schemes: I will destroy you all! Hearts grow fonder (Clark & Lois) and dangers grow stronger (Clark vs. warriors of Zod) in this 21-Episode Season 9 Collection. Plus, unexpected characters from DC Comics lore add exciting new layers to the adventures of the man who will become Superman. Among them: the shape-shifting Wonder Twins, magical Zantanna, and Justice Society of America’s Dr. Fate, Hawkman and Stargirl. May justice prevail – and Earth survive!

Special Features:

"Kneel Before Zod" featurette: An in-depth look at this dynamic criminal from Krypton, his origins in DC's silver age, and his various appearances in more recent film, animation, and live-action television
"Justice for All" featurette: Meet with Smallville's creative team as they bring the Justice Society of America, one of the comic world's most iconic teams of superheroes, to television for the first time
Cast/creator commentaries on episodes Idol and Kandor
Unaired scenes


This DVD box set is in excellent condition. DVD's are Near Mint with some very light scuffing on one or two of them. Box is in Very Good condition with minor wear. Satisfaction guaranteed.