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XXXPLOSION - 20 Pills (single pill per pack) - Best Male Sex Pill Ever


XXXPLOSION is a 100% natural supplement for male enhancement that was created to always strongly satisfy your sex needs, but in a safety way, with no side effect.


For best results take one pill 20 minutes before the sexual intercourse, and take on an empty stomach. This pill last for 72 hours, please do not take more than one pill in a period of 24 hr.


Last for 72 hours . 100 % Natural . Safe for Diabetics . Gains quick and bigger erection and strong sexual desire. Helps sexual arousal last longer . Adjusts the sexual functions of the human body. Natural herbal medicine that is safe and effective with no stimulants or toxins. Works within 20 minutes Can be used with alcohol. Strong Erections. Give you energy. Delay ejaculation. No Side effect. Best product in the market .



Rehmannia Boiled Root

Atindite (Athinolithium)

Nettle Root Extract (Urtica Dioica)


1.Use only as directed.

2.As with any dietary supplement, consult with your physician before using if you are not sure weather it is right for you.

3.Do not take more than 1 capsule in a 24hr. period.

4.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,

or prevent any disease.

5.Must be at least 18 years of age to use this products

6.Keep out of reach of children, Store in cool dry place.