What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Adams County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1916.


Past and Present


Adams County,



Judge William R. Burton

Supervising Editor


David J. Lewis

Assistant Editor




Volume 1 and Volume 2



The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company




800 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Table of Contents

Chapter I. - General Early History 
Chapter II. -
Adams County Soils and Climate 
Chapter III. - Organization 
Chapter IV. - County Seat Removal 
Chapter V. -
Chapter VI. -
Hastings after County Seat Fight 
Chapter VII. -
Hastings - Modern Developments and Activities 
Chapter VIII. - Political History 
Chapter IX. - Schools and Colleges 
Chapter X. -
Adams County Bench and Bar 
Chapter XI. -
Notable Adams County Trials 
Chapter XII. - Physicians and Vital Statistics 
Chapter XIII. - Banks and Banking 
Chapter XIV. - Fraternal and Other Organizations 
Chapter XV. - G. A. R. organizations 
Chapter XVI. - Some Adams County Churches 
Chapter XVII. - Public Utilities and Institutions 
Chapter XVIII. - Women's Clubs 
Chapter XIX. - Baseball and Entertainments 
Chapter XX. - Chronicle of Companies K and G 
Chapter XXI. - The Homesteader - Then and now - Population and Other Statistics 
Chapter XXII. - Railroads and Newspapers 
Chapter XXIII. - Ingleside 
Chapter XXIV. -
Chapter XXV. - Kenesaw 
Chapter XXVI. -
Chapter XXVII. -
Adams County Towns 
Chapter XXVIII. - Great Storms 
Chapter XXIX. -
Oregon Trail and Lone Grave 
Chapter XXX. - The Entrymen 


Biographical Index

Addie, Alexander, Andrews, Augustin, Beghtol, Bernard, Bigelow, Binderup, Bitner, Black, Blackman, Blake, Blankenbiller, Bloom, Borden, Boulton, Boyd, Brandes, Breede, Bruckman, Burke, Burton, Burwell, Butler, Carpenter, Carson, Christopher, Clark, Clarke, Colling, Comly, Coon, Corey, Cramer, Crosson, Crowley, Currier, Daily, Damkroeger, Denman, De Sanno, Dietrich, Dillon, Druecker, Duer, Duncan, Dutton, Egelhoff, Evans, Faber, Falk, Gangwish, Gibson, Godfrey, Gossard, Grothen, Gruener, Hadden, Haller, Hansell, Hansen, Hare, Harris, Hart, Haverly, Haynes, Haysmer, Heiler, Hemberger, Hempel, Hensley, Heuertz, Hines, Hoagland, Hobrock, Hoff, Hubbard, Hudson, Ingraham, Isaac, Johnson, Johnston, Junker, Kauf, Kennedy, Kent, Kidder, Koehler, Lane, Larsen, Lawler, Lawson, Lewis, Livingston, Long, Losee, Lovel, Lowman, McCollam, McCreary, McDonald, McFerren, McKelvy, Madgett, Manahan, Marti, Maxim, Mays, Meyer, Miles, Milligan, Mills, Morey, Moritz, Morledge, Mosier, Naulteus, Nelson, Nichol, Nissen, Norton, Nowers, Olmstead, Pearson, Pedersen, Phillips, Pittz, Plummer, Poulson, Powell, Pratt, Ramelow, Rees, Robinson, Rooney, Rose, Ruhter, Sabin, Saddler, Schellak, Schlegel, Schmidt, Schultz, Shattuck, Shick, Shriver, Siekmann, Sims, Sipple, Smith, Stevens, Stromer, Stulken, Sucha, Swartz, Tanner, Teeling, Templeton, Tibbets, Twidale, Tyler, Uden, Unger, Van Every, Vanhouten, Varah, Volland, Way, Weeks, Whiting, Williams, Winkler, Wolcott, Woods, Yager