What a wonderful look at life in the 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Winona County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1895.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Winona County, Minnesota
Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County.
Together with Portraits and Biographies of all the Presidents of the United States.
420 pages on 1 CD An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Biographical Index
Abbott, Abell, Adams, Alling, Arthur, Bain, Baker, Ball, Ballmann, Beck, Berry, Bierce, Biesanz, Blake, Bohn, Bradley, Brady, Brainard, Braley, Brammer, Breed, Brown, Buchanan, Butler, Caine, Canfield, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapman, Christie, Clark, Cleveland, Cockrell, Cooper, Corey, Cotter, Cotton, Cox, Crooks, Crosgrove, Cross, Crow, Curtis, Davis, Denno, Dickson, Dobbs, Doud, Drew, Duncan, Duncanson, Dyar, Einhorn, Evans, Fakler, Farrar, Ferrin, Fillmore, Fitzpatrick, Fleischer, Forsyth, French, Fuller, Gallagher, Gardner, Garfield, Garlock, Gartside, Gates, Gault, Gay, Gensmer, Gerrish, Gile, Gleason, Gordon, Gould, Grant, Haesly, Hanson, Harders, Hardwick, Harris, Harrison, Hayes, Hendee, Hennessy, Hesselgrave, Hill, Hillmer, Hiltz, Holt, Horan, Huffman, Jackson, Jefferson, Johns, Johnson, Kaiser, Keenan, Knapp, Knopp, Laberee, Laird, Lake, Lambert, Lamson, Leicht, Lewis, Lincoln, Litchtenstein, Lord, Loucks, Ludwig, Maceman, Madison, Mallery, Mann, Martin, Mason, Mathews, Maynard, Mazy, Michel, Monroe, Morgan, Murray, Nagle, Nelson, Noonan, Page, Palmby, Palmer, Parkhurst, Peirce, Perrin, Pickles, Pierce, Polk, Quimby, Randall, Rebstock, Reynolds, Roberton, Robillard, Rohweder, Rowell, Ruehman, Sartwell, Schell, Schmitz, Schulz, Sheardown, Sikorski, Simpson, Sinclair, Skinkle, Smith, Spalding, Speelman, Staples, Stevens, Stickney, Stinson, Swett, Swindler, Taylor, Tawney, Thill, Thomas, Tibbetts, Timmons, Tomlinson, Tucker, Tyler, Valentine, Van Buren, Vance, Van Gorder, Von Rohr, Waffles, Wahl, Waldron, Waltham, Walz, Washington, Waterman, Watkins, Watts, Webber, Whetstone, Wilber, Wilberton, Williams, Willson, Wilmot, Wunder, Yale,