What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of York County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1921.


York County


And Its People


Together with a Condensed History of the State


T.E. Sedwick

Supervising Editor


A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement


Volume 1 and Volume 2



The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company




1200 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Volume 1

Table of Contents

Hymn to Nebraska 
Chapter I. Geology and natural resources of Nebraska 
Chapter II. The
Nebraska Indians 
Chapter III. "The birth of a state" 
Chapter IV. The gradual settlement of the state 
Chapter V. Development of
Nebraska - By counties 
Chapter VI. Territorial government 
Chapter VII.
Nebraska's government as a state 
Chapter VIII. The railroads of
Chapter IX. Religious, educational and social development 
Chapter X. The press of
Chapter XI. Banking in
Chapter XII. The bench and bar of Nebraska 
Chapter XIII. Agricultural resources of
Chapter XIV. Manufacturing and commercial activities 
Chapter XV. Outline of authorities 

History of York County.

Chapter I. The story of York County 
Chapter II. Early settlements through the county 
Chapter III. Reminiscences of pioneers 
Chapter IV. Settlement by townships 
Chapter V. The city of
Chapter VI
. Other towns in York County 
Chapter VII. County organization and government 
Chapter VIII.
York County's part in state and national affairs 
Chapter IX. Railroads and highways through
York County 
Chapter X. Agriculture in
York County 
Chapter XI.
York County - Industrially 
Chapter XII. Commercial history of York

Volume 2

Chapter XIII. Educational in York County 
Chapter XIV. Religious institutions of
York County 
Chapter XV. Fraternal, social and welfare organizations in
York County 
Chapter XVI. Banking and financial institutions 
Chapter XVII. The press of
York County 
Chapter XVIII. The medical profession 
Chapter XIX. The bench and bar of York County 
Chapter XX. A chronological survey of
York County's progress 
Chapter XXI.
York County in the World War 

Surname Index

Abrahams, Albin, Alden, Allen, Baer, Baker, Baldwin, Ballenger, Barth, Batz, Beaver, Beck, Beckord, Bedient, Behling, Bennett, Bittinger, Blair, Blender, Blum, Bolton, Boon, Bost, Brabham, Bradwell, Brahmsteadt, Branz, Broehl, Brooke, Brott, Brown, Burnham, Byers, Calkins, Callender, Carpenter, Carscadden, Chatterton, Chorn, Church, Cites, Clark, Clithero, Conkle, Conway, Cook, Cookus, Coombs, Copsey, Corcoran, Couch, Cullen, Curran, Davis, Dean, Deffenbaugh, Detrick, Dey, Dickson, Diehl, Diers, Dietrick, Doan, Doran, Doty, Downey, Dreier, Eckles, Edwards, Epp, Evans, Farley, Fay, Feaster, Finney, Fisher, Foster, Fothergill, Fountain, France, Franz, Freeman, Friesen, Froid, Gale, Gaunt, Gearhart, Giauque, Gilmore, Gocke, Gossen, Graves, Grewell, Guidinger, Harden, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Hatfield, Hawley, Hayworth, Heiden, Heine, Henahan, Henderson, Henton, Hill, Hitchcock, Hohnbaum, Hopkins, Houston, Hubenbecker, Huebert, Hunt, Hurlbut, Hyde, Hylton, Imm, Ittner, Jacobs, Jeffery, Johnson, Junge, Kilgore, King, Kirby, Kolling, Koons, Kroeker, Kuns, Lanyon, Lett, Luchtenberger, Liedtke, Lincoln, Lindquist, Lindstrom, Lloyd, Loomer, Lord, McCloud, McConaughy, McFadden, McKinley, McLaughlin, Macartney, Malcolm, Maronde, Marquardt, Meehan, Merchant, Merkel, Meserve, Metz, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Mulig, Myers, Nehser, Newcomer, Norquest, Overstreet, Peters, Peterson, Pettis, Pfeffer, Pieper, Pinneo, Pittman, Plank, Plessinger, Plumb, Powell, Prest, Price, Propst, Pryce, Ragan, Raikes, Ratzlaff, Reetz, Regier, Reisinger, Rempel, Renquist, Richter, Robbins, Robson, Rogers, Romsdal, Ronne, Root, Rossiter, Ruddock, Rusler, Sackschewsky, Sandall, Sarver, Schock, Scharfenberg, Schlechte, Sedgwick, Seng, Shaw, Shidler, Shreck, Shrigley, Smith, Snyder, Sperry, Spurlock, Staehr, Stark, Stout, Swanson, Teinert, Thamer, Thompson, Tobey, Towle, Troutman, Underwood, Van Alen, Wagoner, Walker, Warner, Wellman, Wellmann, Wells, Wessels, White, Wholstenholm, Wilcox, Wildman, Williams, Wiswell, Wolstenholm, Wonderly, Wunderlich, Wyckoff, Yantz, Ziemke, Zwieg