What a wonderful look at life in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Bandera County, Texas and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1922.


Pioneer History


Bandera County


Seventy-Five Years of Intrepid History



By Marvin Hunter


Hunter’s Printing House

Bandera, Texas




300 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



Our Pioneer Women

Times Have Changed

Bandera Has a Beginning

Bandera Pass

Camp Verde

Bladen Mitchell

Indians Kill Assessor McMurray

Amanda Davis Killed by Indians

Captured an Indian

Richard M. Ware

Life Story of Mrs. Annie E. Brown

Killing of Theodore Kindla

Came to Texas in 1850

The Killing of Berry Buckelew

Dr. Edwin M. Downs

Early Days in Old Bandera

Thomas A. Laxson

Charles de Montel, Sr.

Charles F. Schmidtke

Charles de Montel, Jr.

Mrs. Amelia Schmidtke

The Buck Family

John Kindla Came With Colonists

Tom Click Has a Narrow Escape

Pipe Creek Pioneers

Mrs. Mary Jane Walker

F. M. Hodges

J. A. V. Pue

Murder of Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Lived in a Pole Pen

James Washington Walker

P. H. Mazurek

Experiences of J. P. Heinen, Sr.

H. C Wright

Furnished Telegraph Posts

"Seco'' Smith

Judge Hugh C. Duffy

Daniel Rugh

The Mansfield Family

The Maass Family

Sixty-five Years in Bandera

Attacked by a Panther

Judge George Hay

Emil Huffmeyer

H. H. Carmichael

Judge Edward M. Ross

F. L. Hicks

Drowning of Riggs

Lost a Wagonload of Iron

Old Time Charivaris

The Montague Family

James Franklin Hodges

Early Day Mail Carrying

An Indian Captive

W. S. Hinds. Sr.

David Cryer Killed by Indians

"Fighting Jack" Potter

Mrs. Constantina Adamietz

Leopold Haby

Uncle Jack Stevens

The Bandera Bugle

The Killing of Jack Phillips

Buck Hamilton

Mrs. Mary E. Hudspeth

Grew Up in Bandera County

John Pyka

Henry Stevens, Sr.

Was in Packsaddle Mountain Fight

Settlers in Sabinal Canyon

Jose Poliearpo Rodriguez

Drowning of Joseph Winfield

Thomas Click Killed by Indians

Reminiscences of B. F. Langford, Sr.

Lee Risinger

Bandera's First Baseball Club

A Tragedy of the Civil War

The Bandera Enterprise

Sketch by W. F. Surber

Was Born in Slavery

John H, Ross

Congressman Claud B. Hudspeth

Ben Batto

Judge R. H. Burney

Tribute to Colonel Duffy

Christopher Fagan

Death of J. T. Stevens

The Thalmann Family

Henry Rackow

Andrew Gatluf Jones

Joe Sheppard Wounded

The Mayfield Family

The Buckner Family

Amasa Clark, the Oldest Settler

Gabriel Anderwald

Fulmore's Version of Our County's Name

J. A. Teggert

Scouted in Bandera County

First Commissioners' Court

Rescued Three Captive Children

Judge W. F. Dorow

A. L. Scott

J. F. Tait

The Stanard Family

Ike Stevens, Sr

The Killing of Nicholson

Wolff and Hoffman Killed by Indians

Mrs. M. T. Weldon

"Big Foot" Wallace

Early Day Barbecues in Old Bandera

Great Floods in the Medina Valley

C. H. Frick

Mrs. Mattie Jones

J. A. Miller

In Conclusion