
  • Suitable for: Zone 7-9
  • Blooms: June - October
  • Cutflowers
  • Full grown: 1 Year
  • Full grown width: 10-20"
  • Full grown height: 3'-4'
  • Well drained
  • Not hardy
  • Flowers for months
  • Very Easy to grow

A fine Dahlia variety with deep chocolate brown foliage. The combination of the chocolate brown foliage and the golden flowers on top creates that extra touch of floral beauty in your borders or planters.

Plant Instructions:

After spring frost have disappeared soak your Dahlia tubers in a bucket of tepid water overnight to re-hydrate them before planting out in well-drained garden soil. Position the Dahlia tubers in a sheltered location or stake them for support as they grow so that the wind won't break their long stems.
Refrain from watering at planting time as spring provides sufficient rain; they are susceptible to rot from over watering. Water twice weekly in summer. Dahlia tubers bloom late summer and last until first frost.
Lift Dahlia tubers before winter sets in. Dig them out carefully with a fork, shake off excess soil and let them dry out completely. Then place them in a well-ventilated frost-free room for winter.
Do not pile them on top of each other as they can rot. Replant the following spring after frost.

If you have any question, please kindly contact me.
Positive feedback is greatly appreciated and needed.
Thank you!