Electronic Games & Toys You Can Build by Len Buckwalter
Paperback Howard Sames eighth printing 1970 128 pages

This is an electronic project book from the late 60s, early 70s

From the back cover:
Have you had the urge to build something electronic, but hesitated because you weren't sure of yourself? Well, here's your chance! If you can handle a soldering iron and a few hand tools, you can build any project in this book. The cost of the parts for almost of the games and toys described herein is less then $5.00 - many of the parts many already be in your "spare parts" box. Construction details for 15 excitingly different and commercially unavailable projects are given in this book. Some challenge the player's judgment, some test his manual dexterity, while others achieve "magical" or illusionary effects - all electronically. Thus, you'll not only have fun building them, but you'll provide a lot of fun and enjoyment for your family and friends with the finished projects.

Book condition is Good. Moderate wear on covers. The interior pages have no underlining, highlighting or tears

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