Gatekeeper by Terry Craig, Paperback
Light wear to corners of cover. Pages are bright and clean. No creased pages.
Readers will need to remind themselves that GATEKEEPER was written years before the events of 9/11 or the current political and economic crises. . . .
As GATEKEEPER opens, Don Cole's candidacy for President of the United States is in full swing. He s a focused, ambitious and unattached middle-aged male with a successful governorship on his resume. His squeaky-clean past, quick wit, and obvious good looks make him a credible opponent to oust the incumbent, Sonny Todd, who has much to hide, but trusts that both his past and his present corruption will remain covered.
While America is more polarized than it has ever been and the majority of an increasingly angry populace teeters on the edge of poverty, Don Cole sincerely believes his experience, dedication, and principled common sense can turn things around. But late one night on the balcony of his hotel suite, an intruder shatters both Don's sense of security and his naive assessment of America's condition. Appearing out of nowhere and holding Don at knife point, the assailant claims to represent a patriotic element within the military and government known as the Quick and the Dead who plan to expose America's highest ranking politicians along with their commercial benefactors. The man claims they want to see Don elected so that they won't need to resort to more drastic measures in unseating the current administration. Don is rattled to the core. Are these men patriots or subversives? Will he find himself on the side of truth or embroiled in a treasonous coup attempt? His dilemma grows as those in the white House discover their crimes are about to be uncovered and they create a large scale diversion while they cover their tracks.