For the brutal murder of his girlfriend's rapists; Tenshu is sentenced to die in the electric chair. Miraculously surviving the chair he is given a choice to: burn in the chair once again or take part in a vicious and highly secretive experiment. Overview: Directed by Ryuhei Kitamura ('Versus'; 'Azumi'; 'Aragami Duel'; 'Down To Hell'; 'The Messenger'; 'Godzilla Final Wars'). Based on a popular Manga by Tsutomu Takahashi ('Sky High'); 'Alive' combines the tension of Vincenzo Natali's 'Cube' and Kitamura's own 'Versus'. For the brutal murder of his girlfriend's rapists; Tenshu is sentenced to die in the electric chair. Resigned to his fate and unmoved by his actions; he survives the lethal high voltage punishment. He is then given the choice to burn again; or take part in a vicious experiment pitting him against another prisoner and a mysterious alien life force. Here is where the true punishment begins. Featuring moving performances by Hideo Sakaki; Ryo; Koyuki; Erika Oda; Jun Kunimura; Bengal; Tetta Sugimoto; and Tak Sakaguchi. 119 min. English subtitled.