This Reiki style is a combination of three schools, those being Raku Kei Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and Traditional Usui Reiki along with additional things that are useful to the Initiate, the Practitioner as well as the Master.
Sacred Path Reiki is essentially the same as Usui Reiki, except that there are three additional symbols, "We Are Open," (which learn at first degree) and "We Are Centered" (which learn at second degree). "We Are Opened" is used to open the aura of a person and can be used to increase communication and rapport between people. This symbol can be used reversed as well. When done in reverse it makes "We Are Closed", which acts to close down the aura. This helps bring the aura back into a natural state after it has been opened. Both symbols used in conjunction can have a grounding effect and also to snap someone out of an unbalanced energy state such as during a possession. "We Are Centered" is used to center a person and ground them.
Course contents:
* Your lineage
* Morning and evening meditations
* Reiki affirmations (The western Reiki ideals, original Reiki affirmations taught by dr. Mikao Usui)
* Basic chakra information
* Traditional self-treatment
* Additional Sacred Path Reiki (SPR) treatment
* Treating others
* The use of the symbol We Are Open
* Scanning and Reiki hands
* Alternate hands positions
* Treating plants and animals
* Personal uses of the symbols We Are Open and We Are Closed
* Psychotherapy and Traditional Usui Reiki
* Psychotherapy and SPR (Initiate Level)
* SPR and the Philosophy of the Sacred Path
* An essay on the art of healing
* An interview with Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki
* 2 symbols are taught
* One or four attunements are given
Course contents:
* The traditional symbols as taught in Traditional Usui Reiki
* Specific characteristics of the traditional symbols
* General information about the SPR Symbols
* Activating SPR Symbols
* Personal uses for We Are Open, We Are Closed, We Are Centered
* Using HSZSN to transcend time and space
* Mental - Emotional healing
* Chakra balancing
* The SPR Distant healing technique
* Affirmations techniques
* Branches of Reiki
* 6 symbols are taught
* 1 attunement is given
Course contents:
* Public display of Sacred and Secret Reiki information
* The Masters Symbols are taught
* The attunement process (single attunement method, multiple attunement method and alternate attunement method)
* Reiki Healing Attunement is taught
* Removing negative energy
* Empowering goals
* Self-attunements and distant attunements are taught
* Water Ceremony
* 5 symbols are taught
* 1 attunement is given