Counterfeit by Cirrus



In the past, Cirrus has often been condescendingly dismissed for their ties to both the traditional rock and rave worlds. Returning after four years out of the scene's scope, the breakbeat masters amped on too many energy drinks are now kicking ass in the name of those past nay-sayers. Comprised of DJ/bassist Aaron Carter and guitarist/keyboardist Stephen Barry, Cirrus recently became complete with the addition of drummer Jim Chaney and particularly frontwoman Laura Derby. It's Derby's Sarah-Maclachlan-meets-Nelly-Furtado vocal styling that adds an eerie trip-hop feel to Counterfeit and is the impetus behind the band's newfound confidence and sophistication. Now the band's strength lies in its diversity; they can do hardcore dance jams like "Straight Laid Out" and well-oiled pop songs like the VH-1 ready "You Are" with equal aplomb.


What's most impressive is that Counterfeit still comes off as an album. From the catchy-like-a-bad-jingle "Ghettoblaster" to the serious breakbeat battery of "Unbreakable" to the soft, sensual touches that Derby dollops across the down-but-nowhere-near-out "Half a Cell," the listener glides around its vast, varied terrain with ease. Touches of gothic drama and industrial histrionics augment the yin-yang balance of the album, making Counterfeit the genuine article.


Take lyrics like "You are/the caged one who is finally free/you are/the oasis in the desert heat" from the gloriously effervescent "You Are" to heart and Counterfeit becomes a perfect road-trip soundtrack for that last great cross-country jaunt before adulthood comes calling. Enjoy it while you can.

Jen Boyles



Still Factory Sealed

