Kingan's 100th Anniversary Meat Recipe Book
Kingan's 100th Anniversary Meat Recipe Book
Demetria M. Taylor and Ann King
Kingan and Company
Copyright 1944
40 pages
The pages are clean except for light toning on some edges. The cover is scuffed and has a couple of edge tears, the back is stained. Acceptable. Paperback.
This is a vintage cookbook from Kingan's which include recipes for Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Steaks, Roasts, Chops, Stews, Thrifty Cuts, Canned Meats, Variety Meats, Left Overs, Cold Cuts, Canapés and Hors D'Oeuvres; Outdoor Cookery; Sauces and Gravies; Lard Cookery; The Art of Carving; Church or Lodge Suppers.