Organ Hymn Tunes No. 1 Preludes, Interludes, Voluntaries
Organ Hymn Tunes No. 1
Preludes, Interludes, Voluntaries
Compiled and Arranged by Dr. George S. Schuler
The Rodeheaver, Hall-Mack Company
Copyright 1960
32 pages
The pages are clean but lightly tanned, there is a name written in front. The staples are rusted and binding is loose at the bottom staple. The cover is scuffed and shows some edge wear Acceptable. Paperback.
Hymns: Beyond the Sunset, Brighten the Corner Where You Are, God Understands, He Lifted Me, He Lives, He's a Wonderful Saviour to Me, Heaven's Joys I'm viewing, His Eye is on the Sparrow, I Need Jesus, In the Garden, Is it the Crowning Day? Jesus Can Change Your Life, Living for Jesus, Make Me a Blessing, My Saviour's Love, No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus, O That Will be Glory, One Day, Since Jesus Came into My Heart, Some Golden Daybreak, Sunrise, The Glory of His Presence, The Old Rugged Cross, Then Jesus Came