The Master Collection



80 -  Books on 2 DVDs !

What you get....

DVD 1: "Alabama History & Genealogy Reference Library" (62 books)

State, County and City Histories. Photographs, Illustrations, Biographies, Residential and Business Directories, Maps, Social Life, Advertisements, etc.

DVD 2: "Alabama in the Civil War" (18 books)

Rosters, Battles, Maps, Photographs, Illustrations, Memoirs, Soldier Biographies, etc.

It's all here !


An essential resource for Genealogists, Historians or folks that are just interested in what life was like in the 1800's and early 1900's.

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read.

The books on these DVDs are SEARCHABLE

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Simply type in a word, name, place or phrase and the “Find” function will locate the word wherever it exists within the text. The process only takes a few minutes per book and saves you hours in searching for the information you want.

Your Ancestors are waiting to be Discovered.

DVD 1:

"Alabama History & Genealogy Reference Library"


A glance into the great south-east (Clark County, Alabama) by Timothy Horton Ball - (1882) - 797 pages

A history of Alabama, for use in schools; based as to its earlier parts on the work of Albert J. Pickett by William Garrott Brown - (1900) - 406 pages

A History of Methodism in Alabama by Anson West - (1893) - 780 pages

A Joshua in the camp, or, The life of Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee, Alabama by Rufus White - (1895) - 17 pages

A key to Southern pedigrees, being a comprehensive guide to the colonial ancestry of families in the States of Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and Alabama by William Armstrong Crozier - (n.d.) - 85 pages

Alabama by the United States Railroad Administration - (1919) - 57 pages


Alabama by William Sheppard Walsh - (1888) - 4 pages

Alabama sketches by Samuel Minturn Peck  - (1902) - 318 pages

Alabama Supplement by F.W. Hodges and D.L. Clark - (1918) - 11 pages


Alabama's own in France by William Henry Amerine - (1919) - 491 pages

An Alabama Student and Other Biographical Essays by William Osler - (1908) - 334 pages

Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama by Walter Lynwood Fleming - (1905) - 886 pages

Colonial Mobile. An historical study, largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin from the discovery of Mobile bay in 1519 until the demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1821 by Peter Joseph Hamilton - (1897) - 503 pages

Cullman County, Alabama  - (1912) - 68 pages

Demopolis, Alabama by Demopolis Alabama City Council - (1887) - 16 pages

Early History of Huntsville, Alabama, 1804-1870 by Edward Chambers Betts - (1916) - 142 pages

Florence, Lauderdale county and north Alabama by Leftwich Bros. and R. Anaugi - (1888) - 36 pages

General Public School laws of Alabama. 1901 by Alabama Dept of Education - (1901) - 92 pages

Girls Industrial School of Alabama by Alabama Girls Industrial School - (1896) - 12 pages

Handbook of the Alabama Anthropological Society, 1910 by the Alabama Anthropological Society - (1910) - 762 pages

Historical Alabama by Thomas Harvey Clark - (1897) - 34 pages

History of Alabama : adapted to the use of schools and for general reading by L.D. Miller - (1901) 494 pages

History of Alabama : and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period, by Albert James Pickett - (1851) - 428 pages

History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama biography, Volume 1 by Thomas McAdory Owen - (1921) - 750 pages

History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama biography, Volume 2 by Thomas McAdory Owen - (1921) - 720 pages

History of Eufaula, Alabama : the bluff city of the Chattahoochee by J.A.B. Besson - (1875) - 76 pages

History of Greensboro, Alabama from its earliest settlement by William Edward Wadsworth Yerby - (1908) - 226 pages

History of public school education in Alabama by Stephen Beauregard Weeks - (1915) - 230 pages

History of the campaign of Mobile; including the coöperative operations of Gen. Wilson's cavalry in Alabama by Christopher Columbus Andrews - (1867) - 322 pages

History of the Protestant Episcopal church in Alabama, 1763-1891 by Walter Claiborne Whitaker - (1898) - 336 pages

History stories of Alabama by Pitt Lamar Matthews - (1920) - 368 pages

Invasion of the territory of Alabama, by one thousand Spaniards, under Ferdinand de Soto, in 1540 (1849) - Pickett, Albert James - 41 pages

Jefferson County and Birmingham, Alabama by Birmingham, Ala. Chamber of commerce - (1911) - 40 pages

Journal of the proceedings of the Constitutional convention of the state of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing May 21st, 1901 by Alabama Constitutional Convention - (1901) - 1890 pages

Lauderdale County, Alabama marriages, 1820-1857 by Mrs. W.E. McClain - (1900) - 290 pages

Letters from Alabama on various subjects: to which is added, an appendix, containing remarks on sundry members of the 20th & 21st Congress, and other high characters, &c. &c. at the seat of government. In one volume by Mrs. Anne (Newport) Royall - (1830) - 258 pages

Makers and romance of Alabama history, embracing sketches of the men who have been largely instrumental in shaping the policies and in molding the conditions in the rapid growth of Alabama--together with the thrilling and romantic scenes with which our history is resplendent by B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Riley - (1914) - 646 pages

Marriage records of Shelby county, Alabama by Don & Mary Thompson 1900-1905 - (1906) - 112 pages

Mr. Fish and the Alabama claims, a chapter in diplomatic history by John Chandler Bancroft Davis - (1893) - 172 pages

Northern Alabama, historical and biographical by Birmingham Ala. Smith & De Land - (1888) - 770 pages

Records of Pickens County, Alabama- Register of births, etc Volume 1 by C.P. McGuire - (1900) - 136 pages


Records of Pickens County, Alabama- Register of births, etc Volume 2 by C.P. McGuire - (1900) - 62 pages

Records of Pickens County, Alabama- Register of births, etc Volume 3 by C.P. McGuire - (1900) - 154 pages

Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama by Geroge Cary Eggleston - (1878) - 360 pages

Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama. With an Appendix by William Garrett - (1872) - 20 pages

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Alabama by Annie R. White Mell - (1904) - 106 pages

Scenes and settlers of Alabama by Paul Ravesies - (1885) - 134 pages

Sectionalism and party politics in Alabama, 1819-1842 by Theodore Henley Jack - (1919) - 112 pages

Sketches of Alabama history by Joel Campbell Du Bose - (1901) - 298 pages

Southern martyrs. A history of Alabama's white regiments during the Spanish-American war, touching incidentally on the experiences of the entire First division of the Seventh army corps by Moses Koeningsberg - (1898) - 240 pages

The adventures of two Alabama boys by H. J. (Hezekiah John) Crumpton - (1912) -  238 pages

The Alabama Manual and Statistical Register for 1869 by Joseph Hodgson - Alabama - (1869) - 240 pages

The Alabama Manual and Statistical Register for 1869 by Joseph Hodgson - Alabama - (1871) - 224 pages

The Alabama Manual and Statistical Register for 1869 by Joseph Hodgson - Alabama - (1875) - 132 pages

The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi: A Series of Sketches by Joseph Glover Baldwin - (1887) - 362 pages

The formative period in Alabama, 1815-1828 by Thomas Perkins Abernethy, - (1922) - 196 pages

The government of the people of the state of Alabama by Thomas Chalmer McCorvey - (1895) - 154 pages

The History of Butler County, Alabama, from 1815 to 1885 by John Buckner Little - (1885) - 294 pages

The negro as an economic factor in Alabama by Waights Gibbs Henry - (1919) - 124 pages

W.P.A. files Elmore County, Alabama marriages by Alabama Dept. of Archives and History - (n.d.) - 124 pages

W.P.A. files, marriage records from the Dept. of Archives and history, Montgomery, Alabama, Jefferson County, Alabama marriages : alphabetically arranged 1819-1875 by Alabama Dept. of Archives and History - 440 pages



DVD 2:

"Alabama in the Civil War"


A model Confederate soldier : being a brief sketch of the Rev. Nathaniel D. Renfroe, lieutenant of a company in the Fifth Alabama battalion, of Gen. A.P. Hill's division, who fell in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862 by John Jefferson Deyampert - (1861) - 16 pages

Alabama secedes from the Union; an address by Walter Burgwyn    Jones - (1901) - 16 pages

Alabama: Her History, Resoures, War Record, and Public Men. From 1540 to 1872 by W. Brewer - (1878) - 712 pages

Arbitrary arrests in the South; or, Scenes from the experience of an Alabama Unionist by Robert Seymour Symmes Tharin and R. Iguana - (1864) - 245 pages

Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama by Walter Lynwood Fleming - (1907) - 886 pages

Confederate echoes : a voice from the South in the days of secession and of the Southern Confederacy by Albert Theodore goodloe - (1905) - 452 pages

Disunion and Slavery.  A Series of Letters to Hon. W.I. Yancey, of Alabama by Henry J Raymond - (1857) - 36 pages

History of Company B (originally Pickens Planters) 40th Alabama Regiment, Confederate States Army, 1862-1865 by Elbert Decatur Willett - (1900) - 89 pages

History of the First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C. S. A. by Edward Young McMorries - (1906) - cornell book - 66 pages

History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers with a list of the names of every man that ever belonged to the regiment by M. B. Hurst - (1867) - 48 pages

Memories of Old Cahaba by Anna M. Gayle Fry - (1908) - 128 pages

Organization of camps in the United Confederate Veterans ... prepared expressly for the use of delegates to the Twentieth Reunion and Meeting of the Association held at Mobile, Alabama, April 26, 27, 28, 1910 by United Confederate Veterans - (1910) - 27 pages

Proceedings of the 1st annual reunion (of the Alabama division, United sons of Confederate veterans) by  United Sons of Confederate Veterans, Alabama Division - (1901) - 32 pages

Recollections of war times by William Augustus McClendon - (1909) - 250 pages

Reminiscences of the Civil War by John Brown Gordon - (1904) - 466 pages

Sketch of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry of Battle's Brigade, Rodes' Division, Early's Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia by Robert Emory Park - (1906) -

The war between the Union and the Confederacy [electronic resource]: and its lost opportunities : with a history of the 15th Alabama Regiment and the forty-eight battles in which it was engaged ... the war between the United States and Spain by William Calvin Oates - (1905) - 802 pages

To the citizens of North Alabama by Robert M Patton - (1861) - 106 pages

Compare...No one comes close in providing this much information on Alabama at this low price.


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