Johnny Mnemonic Dvd
Loosely based on a story by cyber-pioneer William Gibson, this futuristic thriller centers on a the title character (Keanu Reeves), a courier who loads vital data straight into his brain for storage and safe transport. Johnny has given up brainspace that his childhood memories occupied in order to save space for his chosen profession. He wants to pull one last job before he retires, and the one he gets is particularly perilous. He's got 48 hours to transport a large load of data from Beijing to Newark--and some futuristic samurai don't want him to make it to his destination! The directorial debut of conceptual artist Robert Longo is full of arresting visuals painting a bleak, yet eye-popping, vision of the future.
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.

Disc's are also repackaged (labeled refurbished).

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