This Listing Includes ONE BRAND NEW Set of gy6 roller weights. These roller weights fit on 139qmb motors. The size of these roller weights is 16mm by 13mm and the weight of these roller weights is 5 grams.
- Vision 50cc
- Vision Met IN 50cc
- Bali 50cc
- Bali 100cc
- Dio 50cc All Models + GP
- EZ Cub 90cc
- Lead 50cc
- Shadow 50cc
- Sky 50cc
- FX 50cc
- SH 50cc + SH50 New
- SH 100cc
- Sport SFX 50cc
- SRX 50cc
- X8R 50cc
- Ruckus
- Elite
- Sniper
- DJX 50cc
- CX 50 Super
- DY World 50cc
- Heroism 50cc
- KB 50cc + K12 50cc
- Dink 50cc
- Buxy 50cc + RX Buxy
- Elyseo 50cc
- Rapido 50cc
- Zenith 50cc
- Squab 50cc
- Trekker 50cc
- Speedfight 50cc AC and LC up to 2005
- Speedfight 50cc AC and LC 2005 Onwards
- Speedake 50cc
- SV GEO 50cc
- SV GEO 50cc 1994
- ST 50cc
- Metropolis 50cc
- Viva City 50cc
- Big Max 50cc
- Comet 50cc
- Star 50cc + Star 11 50cc
- PMX 50cc (2000)
- Dio SP 50cc
- Dio SR 50cc
- Dio ZX 50cc
- Dio ZX >94 50cc
- G5 90cc
The 5 Gram Roller Weights are the best for Stock 50cc Scooters and Mopeds. They are the best for a rider up to 200 pound, but for a rider over 200 pounds we Recommind 4 Gram Roller Weights. (please see other listening for 4 gram roller Weights)
Please see pictures below of the roller weights.
Package Includes:
1x Set of 16x13mm 5g Roller Weights