Packaging Regulations by Stanley Sacharow (1979, Hardcover)
Condition: Page stock showing some yellowing. Minor scuffs on edge of cover touched up with ink. Otherwise, book just like new.
See pictures for copy of Table of Contents.
Hardcover: 207 pages
Publisher: AVI Pub Co, 1979
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0870552740
ISBN-13: 978-0870552748
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
In 1977, this writer had the occasion to attend
a course dealing with packaging regulations
Sponsored by the Packaging Science and
Engineering (PS&E) curriculum at Rutgers
, the course stimulated interest in the vast subject of packaging
regulations. The net result is this text. Based on some material presented
during the course and an even greater amount obtained by intimate experience
in the packaging industry for over 15 years, this text summarizes
all regulations dealing with packaging.
The trend in all regulations affecting packaging is towards statutes
and the codification of common law. Since a statute dominated system
involves considerable governmental responsibility, the text has been
divided into the basic governmental agencies' handling of packaging as
well as categorized by function. Thus, a chapter on the activities of the
FDA precedes a chapter entitled, "Patents, Trademarks and
Copyrights." And since all law is divided into religious, common and
statute, material is also presented on the religious regulations dealing
with the packaging industry.