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 Please note that these items and services must by law be sold for entertainment purposes only. We cannot make any claims or guarantees relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to products we offer. We are also required to state that our Magickal items are sold as curios!! WE DO take our Religion and lifestyle very seriously and our practices are hundreds of years old, rich with great knowledge, skill and history. With that said, our items or services are not intended nor should they replace any proper medical or psychological care. Blessed be. )O(

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1) The STERLING WHITE TOPAZ CHARM- was consecrated by Albina with Alexandria's "Witch's Eyes" spell. This is a VERY POTENT form of Magick that promotes MANY enhanced psychic gifts, detailed visions of past and future events, uncovers "hidden" traits and finally grants protection from psychic "dangers"when journeying by repelling any "evil" intent. Albina says that the effect of this amazing spell allows a one to gain enhanced psychic power due to the precise time of consecration and herbal ingredients that Alexandria deemed crucial for this spell's success. She adds that Alexandria used many of the elements of the Artemisia Botanical Family in order to achieve a "truly profound spell with extraordinary effects upon the bearer's ability to see beyond constraints and limitations while remaining protected from harm". However, her exact ingredients shall remain a secret as Albina has sworn to never reveal them! I was actually "not allowed" to attend the consecration, as I so often do!! She says that this spell "will bring forth "opened eyes" by awakening psychic talents, abilities and revealing visions about the past, present and future!! Albina says that it is this newfound information and wisdom that can grant access to KEY knowledge that can dramatically change one's entire life's journey!"

2) The STERLING LUCKY CHARM- is imbued with "The Magick Keys" that Albina was taught in her 30's!! This potent spell will grant the bearer "the energies to 'open doors' to allow one to gain access to love, prosperity and a multitude of higher powers!!" Albina says there are THREE potent Elements of this spell:

1) The Key to Love: This charge of energies will "clear blockages and draw in the energies that promote and 'open door' between the bearer and pure love." Albina says that often our own accumulated negatiove experiences cause us to "harbor negative energies that we are not aware of"! She says that such energies will attract and draw towards one "unsatisfying relations, discord, miscommunications" and many other damaging exeriences that create a "blockage" meant to guard and protect us from further harm! This element will not only draw in positive energies that overpower and eliminate such residual negativity, one will also experience a 'clearing' of this energy block' that opens the door and allows love to find it way ino one's life! Albina says may are surprised hopw quickly one experiences a new or a renewal in relations once this element takes effect!
2)The Key of Prosperity: This charge of energies will once again "clear accumulated blockages that the bearer has acquired as a result of self imposed limitations or the incorrect limits others have imposed upon one" that inhibit the energy of propsperous growth to flow freely bewtween the bearer and greater propsperity, success and financial growth!" As a result, as the blockages are cleared, one will find a greater ease in "the freedom" one feels as personal and financial growth become entertwined! She says as one begins to be effected by the clearing of past "blocks" and the weights of past fears and inhibitions, one will find a more plentiful and enriched lifestyle is much more easily acquired than one has experienced in the past!
3)The Key to the Sky: This element draws in the sacred energies that "open closed doors" that prvent us from accessing higher power, communication with higher beings, the true alignment of energies, Magickal power and skills". She says this final element will "clear blockages and past accumulated energies that has created the blocks ( possibly by what one has been taight to fear or protect oneself from) that prvent one from such an "open channel of energy bewteen one and higher planes . She says that one will gain access to a protected channel that will allow one to acquire the energies that promote psychic development, telepathic communication, cummunication with spirits and higher beings, the ideal alignment with Magickals, aligning with others to form ideal kin ships, the greatest absorbtion of energies into one's personal energy stores as well as the precise direction of Magickal energies!"


3) The STERLING PEACE CHARM- is imbued with her "Beacon of Light" spell. This "Olde" form of Magick promotes "spiritual dowsing", finding one's true calling, assists in finding what is "lost" to one, stimulates one's most desired "quests", as well as bringing forward resolution and truth! Albina says that this is a spell that was "handed down by MANY generations of Magickal practioners and that it is ONE of the most "commonly used" spells for those who ae "seeking clarity along one's journey in addition to bringing forward one's most contained powers".

She explains that this spell aids one in "spiritual dowsing" by locating and emphasizing one's "core" spiritual power and then helping one to "spiritually evolve" and achieve one's highest power and state of being. This alone will assist one by enhancing "High" magick that one has been exposed to as well as the practice of higher forms of Magick! She says that by evolving spiritually, one will be able to control and direct energies without great strain or exhaustion of one's energy stores.

She adds that one's will also bring to "light" one's "true" calling and that 'clues and evidence" of this calling usually surface within a month of one's exposure to such a powerful Magickal


4) The STERLING LOVE CHARM - is consecrated by Albina with Alexandria's very POWERFUL "Sealing the Cracks" spell. This HIGHLY potent spell promotes amazing reparation to either oneself or a damaged situation that one has had a role in. She says after one has this piece in their possession, "one will soon find that the damage that has occured is either repaired within oneself to the point in which one finds peace with what has happened, or the situation that one has had a role in causing or at least participated in, will soon show improvement and be "fixed"!" Albina says that although past damage may still exist, because some of the events might have been crucial to one's growth as well as the growth of others, one will soon "feel as if this events needed to happen and find that they have gotten more than they thought possible" from the situation. She adds that one should also see " a shift in how others, even those who have been hurt, perceive the situation that has occured". I other words, Alexandria's powerful spell will "GREATLY assist one in repairing the hurt, damage, pain, or stress that has resulted from a very emotional, dramatic, or damaging event or experience.

5)The STERLING  PEARL CHARM is imbued with Luna's Gifts". This is Alexandria's wonderful "Full Moon Magick spell", a POTENT spell that promotes Purification, protection, love, healing as well as 'lining one's pockets with silver' in the form of increased income and wealth! This amazing spell has three elements:

*) Luna's Treasure-- This initial element draws in the Ancient and Sacred energies of the Full Moon that will enhance one's "Prosperity" and the powers of Attraction! Albina says that "one will see a dramatic increase in opportunities, financial gains as well as manifesting one's greatest desires!! She adds that this element will also enhance "attracting love and increase one's 'desirability as well!!" . Albina says that she has experienced "the power of this element to enhance the full moon's power and open doors and bringing forth the Blessings of Luna's power of attraction!" Albina notes that "Alexandria was never short of admirers and was never lacking a penny!"!

*) Luna's Shelter- This element provides the bearer with "a cleansing provided by enhanced Lunar energies!!" Albina says that one may also purify and cleanse other objects, divinatory tools and magickals with this element's energies!! She suggests storing this piece with other Magickals in order to "rid the Magickals of residual negative energies". Albina adds that this element will also draw in very POTENT protective energies as well that will not only protect the bearer but one's property as well! Albina says that one may display or store this Magickal within the home to protect one's property from harm when one is away!!

*)Luna's Embrace- This final element is what Albina terms as "a priceless and the most important of the elements". This element will assist the bearer in speeding the body's healing process and balancing one's overall health by removing "blocks" within the flow of energies within one's body, as well as speeding the body's natural ability to heal itself!! Albina says that "the full moon's enhanced energy can assist in removing blocks that prevent a natural harmony and imbalance within the body. She says this can create all types of disturbances and "dis-ease" within one's system!! By drawing in this great charge of empowering energies, the bearer will achieve endurance and the strength to " maintain or regain a harmonious state of health and well being". Albina says that one will also notice an increase in one's "beauty and shining attributes" as the Full Moon's gift of "polishing and brightening one's strengths comes forth!"

7)The HAPPY CHARM- is imbued with "the Healing Arts". This is a spell that Albina was taught when she was in her 40's by a visiting Elder Witch who had learned this from of Magick from a Native American Indian. This spell will assist one in as Albina says "determining the cause of dysfunction in not only one's physical body, but, one's emotional and spiritual bodies as well". She also says the bearer will be able to gain "a balancing of energies and enhancement in gazing and journey activities, psychic communication, astral travel, future 'sight' and past life awareness." Still, she stresses that the most amazing power this spell will grant one is the ability to assist one in detecting and recognizing disorder within one's entire being". She says that this ability alone can help the bearer to "correct imbalances by starting from the root and determining what is causing the problem."
Albina says that this is a TRUE library of Magick that will "enhance the bearer's ability to reach a higher state of power and help one to also gain an understanding of exactly how great one's potential is!! She sends her GREAT Blessings and Thanks to all of you!! OUR THANKS AND HEARTFELT WISHES TO ALBINA FOR ALL OF HER TIME AND TALENTS!!



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