Traditionally used to help support thirst, headache, stiffness, pain due to high blood pressure, angina pectoris and more. - Stir 1/4 of a teaspoon into a glass of water and consume 3 times daily, with meals. - TerraVita is an exclusive line of premium-quality, natural source products that use only the finest, purest and most potent ingredients found around the world. TerraVita is hallmarked by the highest possible standards of purity, potency, stability - Extra Strength Kudzu Vine Root Powder - 40% Extract (Daidzin) (Puerarin) (1 oz, ZIN: 428385): Kudzu is also known by the names Kuzu, Pueraria, Gwat Gun, and Ge Gan. Kudzu is a coarse, high-climbing, twining, trailing, perennial vine, native to Japan and China. It also grows in the Southeastern portions of the United States where it helps to control soil erosion, fix nitrogen into the soil, and feed cattle. This herb quickly overgrows its boundaries, and a single vine can grow up to 100 feet in one season, taking over and killing oth

Extra Strength Kudzu Vine Root Powder - 40% Extract (Daidzin) (Puerarin) (1 oz, ZIN: 428385): Kudzu is also known by the names Kuzu, Pueraria, Gwat Gun, and Ge Gan. Kudzu is a coarse, high-climbing, twining, trailing, perennial vine, native to Japan and China. It also grows in the Southeastern portions of the United States where it helps to control soil erosion, fix nitrogen into the soil, and feed cattle. This herb quickly overgrows its boundaries, and a single vine can grow up to 100 feet in o

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Binding: Health and Beauty

EAN: 0064434283859