Hunter Shoots Bigfoot - The Interview (DVD, 2015)

Exclusive interview conducted by Thomas Marcum with a hunter who encountered two Bigfoot. This is a truly amazing tale of a hunter who encounters two Bigfoot in the mountains of Virginia. After feeling threatened by the creatures, the hunter shoots one of them in the chest. The level of detail described by the hunter is unequaled.

But just when you think its all over, the hunter gets visits from a unnamed agency. You have never heard anything like this! You will hear the raw emotions as the hunter gives detail after detail of what happened.

The hunter is not a fame seeker and not trying to make money. He just wants people to know what happened and that Bigfoot is REAL!

This is the BEST "Hunter shoots Bigfoot" story that you will ever hear!


- Zombie Media presents a Crypto Crew Productions film - Thomas Marcum, The Hunter. Music by Derek R. Audette - Produced by Thomas Marcum
©2015 Crypto Crew Production. All Rights Reserved.
Running Time: 77 minutes - NOT RATED - Widescreen - 5.1 Sound


Runtime:  77 minutes  Studio: Zombie Media/ Crypto Crew Productions Media: DVD-R

This is created professionally by Amazon on a DVD R that will play in any DVD Player, including PS3, Xbox, Xbox 1 and so on. It includes dvd art, case with art, dvd menu, credits and more.

We at The Crypto Crew thank you for the support.

Got a question just let me know - Thanks