My name is Elaine, and I am a Celtic Shaman, Reiki Master and Paranormal Investigator. I began seeing into the future as a young child, at the age of 4, when I began having a series of precognitive dreams. I was 15 before the first of these dreams began to come true.
It was shortly before my dreams began to come true that I noticed I began to pick up on other people's intentions. I learned I had a knack for knowing when people were lying to me. I also had the ability to pick up on dangerous people. I just knew who to stay away from.
At the age of 19, I had a dream about one of my friends. I told her about it, and three weeks later, the dream came true......WHILE WE WERE TOGETHER. Prompted by this dream, my friend purchased a deck of Tarot Cards for me. This is when I began doing Readings. It did not take long for word to spread about my gifts.
It wasn't until several years later that I began to pick up on a strange buzzing and vibration in my body. My vibrational rate was increasing so much and so fast, there were times I felt as though I was going to levitate. It was during this time in my life I started to notice energy emanating from the palms of my hands. I was spontaneously sending healing and protective energy to my clients and friends. In addition to working with my spirit guides, I also work with the Angels and Archangels.
This offering is for one free 15 minute Reiki session, with any purchase. Please, only one freebie with each purchase. I will message you within 48 hours, though usually sooner to schedule your free reiki session