In this fifth entry in the popular Princess Diaries series, Mia is finally starting to feel comfortable with her life. Thrilled about the impending birth of a new sibling, Mia is also distracted by dreams of dancing with her beloved Michael at the prom. Michael, however, is very anti-prom and swears he will never attend the event. Further complications arise when Lilly and Grandmere take opposite sides in a service workers' strike
Publisher's Note
Things are looking up for Mia: She's the newest staffer on the school paper, and her miraculous completion of freshman Algebra is just around the corner. Plus she's about to get a new baby brother or sister. Could things possibly get any better?
But in her heart of hearts, Mia has one wish: an evening spent with Michael in a tux and a corsage on her wrist -- in other words, the PROM. Michael, however, does not seem to share the dream that is the prom. Worse still, a service workers strike (with Grandmere and Lilly at the heart of it and on opposite sides) threatens the very existence of this year's prom.

Will the strike end in time? Can Michael be dissuaded from his anti-prom views? Most importantly, will Mia get to wear her pink prom dress?